måndag, februari 25, 2013

En lucka

Höll tempot uppe. Men igår sprack drömmen om ett fulltaligt bloggande under detta mästerskap. Det var race. Silverrace. Gick väl ändå okej. Fick hem rätt bild till NSD på minuten för pressläggning. Sånt kickar. Efter vissa svårigheter med att somna kom vilan till slut. Morgonen bjöd på presskonferens, ett ihärdigt snöande och film. Här kan man se ett klipp jag och Moa lyckades åstadkomma. När jag hade klippt och renderat klart så blev det åka av. I pisten denna gång. I dryga tre timmar slingrade jag och mina hyrda skidor oss ner för de pistade sluttningrna. Det behövde jag.

35 kommentarer:

Lina sa...

Grymma bilder, som alltid!

Lara sa...

The vague fat burning food theories are the ones that just state that foods that burn fat exist and list a long list of burning fat foods. Of course that's not going to give you the results you want. If you don't know how those foods actually burn fat you won't implement them the right way.SlimPhoria Keto

Edward sa...

You may need an iron supplement to replace iron from blood loss. To enhance absorption, take iron supplements with water or juice on an empty stomach. If nausea or constipation are problems, take iron supplements.Bluoxyn

Lara sa...

Such situation is to tackle it head on we will have a little debate between the two schools of thought to finally determine whether is a myth or a too good be true reality.you can implement it on purpose.intelimind Brain

Lara sa...

Search on the web for foods that burn fat and you are likely to find two groups of people those that argue in favor of fat burning foods and those that say that it is an absolute myth and that burning fat foods doesn't exists.Flash Keto

Lara sa...

if you have a solid theory, you can implement it on purpose and use the foods that the right way and get the results you want all you need is a proper theory and not the many vague ones.Prime X Factor

Edward sa...

Viril XL AlphaMAX Pro If any male enhancement product maker claims their product works 100% of the time for everyone, they are making false claims and misleading the consumer that it is going to work for everyone.

Edward sa...

Taking into account the aforementioned points, it is unfortunate to note that there are actually some weight loss programs that in an attempt to show prompt results incorporate the use of diuretics to give the illusion of weight loss.Al Roker Weight Loss

Edward sa...

The three main categories of male enhancement pills (supplements) on the internet are semen volume enhancement pills, penis enlargement pills and pills targeted to increase libido.Bluoxyn

Edward sa...

Obama are is going to reduce healthcare costs, are just that.There's nothing to them.It's really important that you pay attention to what's happening with health care reform, because there are more changes that are coming as we go through this year, 2013.KGX Keto

Edward sa...

only that, but in the True Keto Boost process of losing all of this weight, we are also impacting our metabolism by not taking in the required amount of calories, and when this does not happen, our metabolism actually dips.

Edward sa...

Increase the protein in your diet. Meta Keto Boost When the body is metabolizing and burning fats, it naturally burns up carbohydrates first so that there would be energy to keep on going. So when carbs run out, the body would use other sources.

Edward sa...

Premature ejaculation Viacen Male Enhancement is by far the most common sexual form of dysfunction in the world today. With more and more men coming out in the open with this problem, the numbers are increasing day after day.

Edward sa...

It doesn't matter if your Trainee Keto brain knows that you can get more food anytime you want your body just reacts to what it senses which is that you aren't getting enough calories.

Ellisa sa...

If you go online to make your quest Granite Male Enhancement concerning the different types of male pills nowadays.each of these products has a different way of helping men to attain a much better performance in bed.

Edward sa...

When the body is metabolizing and Thin Zone Keto burning fats, it naturally burns up carbohydrates first so that there would be energy to keep on going. So when carbs run out, the body would use other sources.

Edward sa...

The fat burners are involved in exercises Ultragenik Keto like running, jogging, interval training. One of the special factors of such a fitness program is that the person.

Lara sa...

We will have a debate between Thunder Testosterone the two schools of thought to finally determine whether is a myth or a too good be true reality. best way to tackle such situation is to tackle it head.

Edward sa...

Knowing that you cannot love your instaHard woman the way you want to can be frustrating and annoying. She is not just suffering, but you are too.

Lara sa...

If intense for you is working Thin Zone Keto out for an hour a day, but due to life's busy schedule you only have time for 20 minutes a day, then those 20 minutes will go an extremely long way. It might not necessarily be classified as, according to your definition, but those little cardio moments will have positive health altering effects.

Calxric sa...

He is more than happy Ultra X Prime to share with you all the information gathered over these years, and also to guide you in finding the health plan that suits you best.

Lara sa...

Male enhancement exercises Raging Leo do work for the majority of men. Most men if they were to answer truthfully would admit they would like to have a larger penis.

Edward sa...

The main idea here is to Slim Patch compress the abdominal region so that some strain is imparted that will help breaking up energy rich constituents in that region. Holding this position for couple of minutes will serve the purpose of breaking up belly fats.

Smith sa...

While going for a treatment Luxe Bella Cream it is quite important to choose the appropriate enhancer as some of them have harmful side effects if not chosen rightly. It is always recommended by the experts to use the natural enhancements.

Lara sa...

Taking fat burners with Number One Keto natural diuretics can help to get rid of extra water that is usually stored under the skin.

Smith sa...

So not only does a herbal Pro Keto Rx slimming patch level out your metabolism which means quicker and more efficient fat burning but also stop you from getting food cravings, so it acts as a dual action system, helping you lose weight faster.

Lara sa...

However with this type of PuriGlow Cream face lift treatment you should know that you will not get overnight result. Any product that promises overnight result is misleading.

Lara sa...

your belly fat. Once Xtreme Keto Boost I reached that plateau in my weight loss journey, nothing I did seemed to matter until I discovered these 5 fat burning foods.

Blicen sa...

Well known for its nature of Cylophin RX increasing sexual performance even if the consumer has erectile dysfunction. This power herb can give you awesome result that you can have several orgasms within the night.

Calxric sa...

These include such ingredients such as turkey, Reliant Keto quality carbohydrates, tuna, fruits and oatmeal to name a few. Proteins like the onces mentioned above and carbohydrates should be eaten together in every meal and they should be in the right balance to lose weight.

Lara sa...

Once I reached that plateau in my weight loss journey, Nature Clarity Keto nothing I did seemed to matter until I discovered these 5 fat burning foods.

Smith sa...

Nothing I did seemed to Viadine Male Enhancement matter until I discovered where it's stored. Now, you don't need to gulp down a gallon of every day as it does have tons of sugars in it,

David sa...

Now, you don't need to Bio Jolt Male Enhancement gulp down a gallon of OJ every day as it does have tons of sugars in it, but do a little analysis and take a look at the many fruits on the market which are rich in Vitamin C which will help bring about natural.

Jeff hardy sa...

The solutions for weight loss before might Keto Now Real not be so effective with today's lifestyle. If you're overweight, there's not doubt you'd like to start losing belly fat. Here are some basic guidelines to help you get started.

Jeff hardy sa...

long been used in traditional Bio Jolt Male Enhancement medicine because of its benefits to health. This herb is used to treat medical conditions such as dementia and PMS. It is also known to have positive effects for male enhancement like increased blood flow to the penis which is helpful for men with difficulty in having or maintaining erections.